Which shapes of diamond are affordable for Anniversary Rings?

In a jeweler’s shop, you will find diamonds of different shapes and all of them are adorable. But the couples are often confused in selection of right shape for a loose diamond that they have bought for anniversary rings.

There are mainly four shapes of diamonds popular with the couples for the rings. These shapes are square, rectangle, pear and heart. You should wisely choose a shape in accordance with your budget. Ask the jeweler about the cost of shaping the diamonds and choose the one that matches with your budget.

Generally, a rectangle and square are simple shapes. Since the jeweler does not employ great skills and little time is consumed, these are less costly shapes which the budget couples can safely opt for. In fact, princess cuts diamonds are associated with such shapes and are very popular too.

But pear and heart are expensive shapes as creating these shapes requires extra time and skills. So, make a budget and select a shape of loose diamond accordingly for anniversary rings.